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Control panel of the Plockmatic Pro450/Pro435 Booklet Maker

Plockmatic Pro450e/Pro435e Booklet Maker

Versatile, compact 50- or 35-sheet booklet making system, combining robust and reliable performance with a new range of applications, including landscape format booklets.

The Pro450e/Pro435e is a versatile booklet maker designed to work with low to mid volume digital production printers. It delivers booklets of exceptional quality and can handle longer printed sheets to produce a variety of applications, including A4/letter landscape booklets, which is becoming an increasingly important expectation of the device.

Front view of the Plockmatic Pro450/Pro435 Booklet Maker

Características clave

  • Produce high-quality booklets with a wider range of formats than ever before

  • Improved integration allows the booklet maker to automatically adjust for standard paper sizes and finished formats

  • Create more types of documents with Edge stapling and Corner stapling capabilities

  • The Plockmatic Pro435e staples and folds up to 35-sheet booklets, from 5.7” x 3.9” all the way up to letter landscape and more.

  • The Plockmatic Pro450e offers higher productivity and handles up to 50 sheets, with the same wide range of formats and stapling options as the Pro435e.

  • The Pro435e can be upgraded to a Pro450e with the optional 50 Sheet Performance Kit.

  • Optional Finishing Module with SquareFold and Face Trimmer functions. Creates a professional square folded spine from stitched booklet followed by trimming of the front edge of each book for a professional finish

  • Optional Rotation, Crease and Bleed Trimming (RCT) module enables rotation, creasing and bleed trim to produce the highest quality booklets at high speed with no operator intervention

  • Optional Trim Waste Conveyor for the RCT allows long unattended runs while full bleed trimming booklets

  • Optional High Capacity Belt Stacker for increased stacking capability for long unattended runs

  • Quick changes between job enables short turnaround of short run jobs, quickly and easily

  • Simple programming of all settings and adjustments through a colour touch screen user interface

  • Patented folding mechanism provide a professional, high-quality look and feel

  • Latest generation of Plockmatic Set Positioning mechanism improves booklet precision, quality and operator adjustments from the user interface

  • Off-line mode enables manual booklet making from documents produced on other printing devices

  • Heavy duty staple mechanism

Sus retos

Entry Production and Production monochrome and colour presses deliver higher performance than ever before. The finishing systems connected to these devices need to perform at the highest quality with minimum input from the operator.

Retos clave

  • Wide media support. Customers increasingly use different weights and paper stock types within a job to add to document quality.

  • Optimum productivity. CRD managers and print rooms need to produce trimmed and square folded booklets with little to no operator intervention.

  • Outstanding output quality. Finishing systems need to provide high output quality that matches the performance of the printing system.

  • Differentiation. Print Services providers of all kinds need to differentiate their offerings. High quality booklets are one important way to do that.

Formas en que Xerox puede ayudarle

The Plockmatic Pro450e/Pro435e is a powerful booklet making system that delivers high-end quality and performance to Xerox entry production and production monochrome and color presses.

  • Integration allows the booklet maker to automatically adjust for standard paper sizes and finished formats, requiring minimal operator intervention.

  • Patented folding technology automatically adapts fold pressure set by set depending on media choice.

  • The optional RCT 3.0 (Rotate/Crease/Trim) module delivers creased and bleed trimmed longer documents in an automated workflow for highest productivity.

  • High page counts, crease and bleed trim, square fold, and a wide media handling range deliver the highest quality final product in this segment.

Angled view of the Plockmatic Pro450/Pro435 Booklet Maker